Blood glucose levels should definitely be maintained at normal levels in order to avoid any kind of complicated medical problems due to diabetes. When the glucose levels of the person are not within the normal range, then the person who is diabetic is likely to experience short term as well as long term hazards to his health.
The short term repercussions which are likely to occur due to fluctuating blood glucose levels are hyperglycemia or high blood glucose and hypoglycemia or low blood glucose. In the long run, people suffering from fluctuating blood glucose levels are likely to become blind, suffer from kidney problems, heart problems, problems with the nervous system, loss of mobility, stroke and also loss of potency. Any problems with the nervous system are likely to affect the hind limbs of the person and they could experience a lot of pain and numbness in the area apart from a tingling feeling. The limbs might have to be amputated in certain cases since the blood circulation might drop drastically and some kinds of infections are also likely to occur.
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The normalcy of the blood glucose levels are also dependent on the specific time when the blood samples are being tested. The blood glucose levels should first be tested when the person has been fasting and has not eaten anything for at least 8-12 hours. A person whose blood sugar levels lie between 70-100 mg/dl after fasting for 8-12 hours will not be considered a diabetic. The blood sugar levels will be considered normal when they are anywhere between 110-120 mg/dl when the person has been fasting.
Then the glucose levels should be tested two hours after the person has consumed a meal. This is also known as the 2 hour postprandial blood glucose level. The blood sugar levels after the person has consumed a meal should be less than 140 mg/dl for the person to be classified as a normal, healthy, non diabetic person. A person who is already diabetic and who does not take good care of his health and diet will have a very high blood glucose reading after his meal. This reading is dependent on how much sugar was present in his meal and how much insulin was produced by the body within this time period. The manner in which the body is reacting to the production of insulin should also be tested.
The kind of medication which is being taken by the person who is already a diabetic should also be considered when the results of the blood glucose tests are being inferred. The doctor will be the right person to decide what the right level of blood glucose is for each person depending on his health condition as well as the medication which is being taken by him.
The Hemoglobin A1C test or Hgb A1C test is also another test which is sometimes recommended by some doctors. A person who is not diabetic will have a reading below 6% when this kind of test is being conducted. The optimum reading for such a test is anywhere between 6-7%.
Controlling blood sugar levels is an art. If you want to be an expert in it, you should know the full details in Diabetic Foods to Eat AND Diabetes Foods to Avoid.
Murali is the author of this article. This article can be used for reprint on your website provided all the links in the article should be complete and active.
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