A specific kidney disease diet, thirty years ago was virtually unheard of. Today however, this type of diet is becoming far more popular as a treatment for kidney disease. In many cases a diet that targets the problem at the source has the ability to reverse the symptoms of kidney disease and other such diseases.
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Why should your kidneys need help?
Well, your kidneys have three main functions. As an important part of the body's filtering system they remove waste materials from the blood and get rid of this waste in the form of urine. Apart from this, they also control the salt and water that is in your body and finally they produce hormones that help red blood cells and keep your bones healthy.
If you have kidney disease, the everyday functions that your kidneys would normally perform become affected and they are unable to remove waste materials from your body and obviously the wastes then start to build up.
If you're curious as to where these wastes come from then here is an explanation without getting to technical. Waste is generated from the food we eat. What we eat is made up of proteins, fats and starches. When we eat food, the body will digest it. The blood absorbs the digested food and takes it to all the cells that need it to carry out their objectives.
When all these cells have used what they want, they then put the waste back into the blood. The blood then transports the waste to the kidneys. The kidneys then filter that waste into urine. When you have kidney problems, the waste is not filtered and builds up in your body instead.
Can the build-up of wastes affect you?
When these wastes start to build up you are likely to experience some symptoms like loss of appetite, weight loss, less energy and you may get tired easily. You will probably hold extra salt and water in your body which will cause swelling.
How can a specific kidney diet help?
Someone that has been diagnosed with kidney disease will need to adjust what they eat to help the kidneys filter the various wastes. The three main components that you need to address will be Protein, Potassium and Phosphorous. Your will almost always need to regulate your sodium (salt) intake.
A specific kidney disease diet is designed to assist your kidneys with filtering the wastes from your body. Many people who have this disease will have varying degrees of kidney functionality. Even if you do not have a problem with your kidneys, a diet can give you valuable information as to what foods are good for maintaining good healthy kidneys.
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To discover what foods you need to avoid and what foods to incorporate in your kidney disease diet. Also find out the kidney diet secrets that have the ability to reverse kidney disease. http://www.kidneydietreview.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6477152