To keep diabetes under control, it is important to keep a track of what you eat. Intake of balanced diet is necessary for diabetics to regulate and ma…
To keep diabetes under control, it is important to keep a track of what you eat. Intake of balanced diet is necessary for diabetics to regulate and maintain blood sugar level in the body.The diet for diabetics should be a combination of well-portioned sources of proteins, carbohydrates and healthy fats. The major part of the diet must incorporate whole grains like brown rice and oats, low calorie dairy products such as skimmed milk and fresh fruits and vegetables whereas the content of saturated and trans fat products should be minimum.The components of diet can be moderated and their consumption as well.
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The other good and healthy options are avocados, nuts and olive oil that have good amount of omega-3 fatty acids that have anti-inflammatory properties and keep the heart and the body healthy and fit.Diet Considerations for DiabeticsIf you have Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus or Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, you don’t need to follow any specific diet. Adopting healthy eating habits will bring the desired results. Stay away from oily and calorie rich food. Keep a watch on your carbohydrate and fat intake, as excess of them can shoot up your blood sugar levels.
Maintain a record of what and how much you eat. For proper control on diabetes, consumption of protein must also be controlled.Tracking the calorie intake along with opting for healthy food options, following a regular exercise regimen and adhering to prescribed medication regimen will make it easy for you to control diabetes and prevent its complications.Consult a dietician to build your own personalized diet plan. Tell your preferred food choices and your dietician will advise you on the portion-management of your preferred foods.
An adequate diet plan for diabetics is essential to keep the blood glucose levels on track, to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol level.Healthy Drinking for DiabetesDrinks for diabetics do not include sugary beverages, which are high on fats and calories and possess potent health risks for the diabetics. Diabetics should ensure the calorie and nutritional content of a drink before consuming it.
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- By far, water has always been considered as the best drink for diabetics. Water has no calorie, no sugar and no fat content thus, safe for diabetics. Also, diabetics must take ample amount of water as in diabetes their bodies tend to lose more fluids than in normal health condition.
- Diabetics can consume fresh fruit juice instead of preserved ones, but one must take into consider that the juice should be low on carbohydrates, sugar content and sodium.
- Unsweetened tea, green tea and black coffee have zero calories and contain antioxidants along with flavonoids.
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