Sexual difficulties in both males and females have long been known to be part of the complications associated with Type 2 diabetes. Research actually reveals about 35 to 75 per cent of males diagnosed with Type 2…
Posts tagged as “Diabetes”
You need hemoglobin A1C or simply A1C test to know if you are properly managing your blood sugar levels. Diabetes is an incurable disease due to extreme elevation in a person's blood sugar levels. The A1C test…
Persons with diabetes are usually cautioned by health professionals to take care of their over-all health by taking the necessary medications and eating specialized diets prescribed by medical doctors and nutritionists. Among the primary concern for diabetes…
Diabetes and hearing loss are two of the world's most widespread health concerns. Diabetes affects an estimated 10% of the adult population in the Western World. About 40% of these cases are undiagnosed. About 16-17% of Americans…
In today's world, many people are realizing that they need to get educated about the reality of disease. In addition to gaining basic knowledge about conditions they may be susceptible to, individuals need to develop prevention strategies…
Yes, Diabetic Neuropathy is nasty. It happens once in a while then goes away, leaving you without a clue. It bothers the hands and feet described as weakness, tingling sensation, sometimes paralysis and occasionally a throbbing pain.…
Who else wants a natural diabetes treatment proven by mainstream medical science to work better than metformin (the leading diabetes medicine)? If you've got diabetes you're looking for a treatment. I can understand why - diabetes is…
Diabetes is a disease caused by your body's inability to create insulin. This inability hinders the natural process of turning carbohydrates into energy. Since diabetes disrupts the body's normal functions, there are many diabetes complications that can…
There are two types of diabetes, and they really are two quite different diseases. In type 1, or insulin-dependent diabetes, insulin injections are needed. But in type 2, or non-insulin-dependent diabetes, most people can keep their condition…