Living with high blood sugar diabetes is deadly. It is a painful and sad death that steals the life from the blood. What many do not understand is that this illness causes a poison in the blood stream. Here is how the poison destroys the body. The eyes and the kidneys will slowly start to fail. Blurry vision is a sign that the poison glucose has spread to the eyes. Many will unfortunately lose their eyesight.
Frequently needing to go to the bathroom and urinate is a sign that the kidneys are being over worked. This illness can painfully ruin the organs of the body. This is the danger of living with high blood sugar diabetes.
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Not treating this fast leads to more problems. Men may lose the ability to be intimate. The poison blood sugar blocks the man from performing well. He may not be able to finish an intimate act. The longer he waits the more damage that is done. Diabetes medications are not the answer, they come with serious side effects. One popular drug for diabetes causes the heart to fail.
The answer to this problem is in the diet. The right healing diet can save the life of those living with high blood sugar diabetes. A typical high blood sugar diet will not stop the poison in the body. The reason is that sugar is not the problem; the problem is the lack of insulin. This is why most diabetes diets fail; they remove sugar but they never heal the lack of insulin.
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There is good news; there is a diet by a filmmaker that has been stopping type 2 diabetes in an amazing way. It is a diet that actually heals the cause of the high blood sugar. If you have high sugar in the blood you have a short time to correct it before the body has pain and the organs fail.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3932353