It is to be noted that most of the diabetics are suffering from type 2 diabetes. They try all ways and means to control blood sugar with what they feel reliable. Prevention of blood sugar from being stored in the blood cells is their ultimate aim. Some people are successfully managing diabetes by taking regular diabetic medicines. When it comes to choosing the right medicines for diabetes, you have many options. You have the synthetic drugs with chemicals, and natural medicines with plant herbs. Away from these systems of medicines, some people may choose alternative medicines like Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Yoga or Reiki healing of any kind.
Herbs to lower blood sugar levels:
Herbs are good substitutes in the place of classical medicines. But in case a diabetic is treating diabetes by taking oral medication with Metformin (Glucophage), Glipizide (Glucotron) or Gliburide ( Glynase) he should avoid excess use of herbal supplements like onion, garlic, fenugreek, ginseng or any other herb. If these are taken in conjugation with regular diabetic medicines mentioned above, the diabetic may have fair chance for low blood sugar (glycemia). Dropping the sugar level below normalcy may cause undesirable consequences leading to diabetic complications with all risks. Having repeated glycemic condition due to double medication (classical medicines and excessive natural supplements) may cause coma or even unwarranted death. As such, here are some guidelines for diabetics.
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Warnings for diabetics to care:
Insulin injection works well directly to burn the food intake without giving place for keeping a store of sugar glucose in the blood cells. But taking over dose of insulin may be detrimental to the aspirations of the diabetic.
Taking diabetic medications by over time may not give desired results. On the contrary, the medicinal processing will go down to give 'null' effect. In such context, the sugar levels may go escaping from control.
When a diabetic swallows pills or drugs of different medications hand in hand, the risk is the closing of the doors of the pancreas from functioning. The reflection is seen in high blood sugar due to insufficient insulin production to burn calories.
When a diabetic chooses to go on different medications to treat diabetes, the body sometimes sustains tolerance of varied medicines and there will be no response to control blood sugar in the bloodstream.
Dependence on over dose of medicines may often tell upon the body with adverse side effects. Along with any one medication, the managing diabetes becomes easier with right diabetic diet plan, daily exercise routine, and lifestyle change.
Diabetes Foods to Eat – You Have a Lot to Eat Without Fear
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Are you ever born to develop diabetes complications with you? No, start controlling blood sugar which is really an art. If you want to be an expert and safe, you should keep up with good knowledge of Diabetic Foods to Eat AND Diabetes Foods to Avoid.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6213265