Carrots are vegetables that have many benefits that are very nutritious for our system. Carrots of course are orange in colour and this stems from the carotenoids, which contain antioxidants.
As with any foods, they must be all taken in moderation and with care. Apparently carrots contain a large amount of sugar, which of course is no good for diabetics. So are carrots bad for diabetics? According to the glycemic index, carrots are almost identical to sugar, however scientists have since come up with a new way to measure and rank foods called the glycemic load.
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The glycemic load tells you how much sugar is in your food instead of telling you how high it will raise your blood sugar levels (glycemic index). So our understanding is that carrots have a high glycemic index (GI), but if you re-calculate with the new measuring system, the glycemic load (GL), carrots go from a high GI of 131 to a GL of only 10.
The other benefit of carrots that is important to note is that they contain a small amount of lecithin that is helpful in lowering your cholesterol levels. Another benefit is that carrots provide similar protective and therapeutic benefits of ginseng. Carrots are known as the poor man's ginseng because it contains more than 490 phytochemicals. So are carrots bad for diabetics? It appears not, especially as noted above, taken in moderation.
One of the most important antioxidants in carrots are beta-carotenes, these help the immune system the ability to target and destroy cancer cells in your body, as well as protecting your cells against free radicals.
Carrots also contain vitamins B and C, potassium and calcium. The benefits of these are:
- Vitamin B is known to improve metabolism
- Vitamin C strengthens the blood vessel walls and aids in the protection of cells against free radicals
- Potassium is known to promote a regular heartbeat, and
- Calcium is known for helping to narrow the blood vessels that result in the contraction of the muscular wall of the vessels
Research has shown that people that include carotene-rich foods in their diets will lower their risk of heart disease, cancer and arthritis.
The old myth that carrots will improve your eyesight is just that, a myth. Carrots are high in Vitamin A. Carrots are known to keep your eyes healthy and help lessen the deterioration of your eyes. Carrots can also help in the fight against conjunctivitis, cataracts and retinopathy.
The most important thing to remember is that if you have diabetes you should first consult your doctor before adding carrots to your diet. So, are carrots bad for diabetics? Not if consumed in moderation.
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Sue Kennedy is the author of the physician-endorsed e-book "Defeat Diabetes Now," and operates a membership channel devoted to health & wellness. Readers of her book also receive instant access to expert interviews, articles, diet plans and other resources designed to maintain optimum health and prevent disease. to defeat diabetes now [http://defeatdiabetesnow.com.au].
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6437007