You may think that dreaming about low blood sugars is just that - a dream. But according to new research, your nightly slumber may have more to do with Type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance than you think. A study out of Sydney University found that staying up into the wee hours of the night significantly increases your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.
Researchers have known for years that obese people were more likely to sleep 8 or fewer hours per night. Interestingly, some research studies have found that a single night of poor sleep was enough to cause insulin resistance, even in healthy folks. And if you have diabetes, poor sleep can wreak havoc on your metabolism - making blood sugar management a nightmare.
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Poor sleep also influences your appetite throughout the day, making you not just hungrier but also setting your cross hair on calorie-rich, sugary foods. Even worse, poor sleep can cause a vicious cycle of weight gain, sleep apnea, and insulin resistance.
Sleep apnea - a breathing disorder that interferes with deep sleep - is a serious health condition that affects 12 million adults in the US alone. The primary risk factor for sleep apnea is obesity. Obesity makes sleep apnea worse, which further worsens sleep and so on. Many Type 2 diabetics find themselves unknowingly riding inside of this vicious cycle, which can make healthy dieting and blood sugar management nearly impossible.
Here's how to use sleep to help your blood sugar levels:
Get Checked: It's impossible to diagnose and treat sleep apnea on your own. Seek the help of a medical professional to get the treatment you may need. If you have a BMI greater than 30, undergoing a test for sleep apnea is a wise idea.
Get Enough: Sleep apnea or no sleep apnea, you need to get enough sleep. The National Sleep Foundation recommends 8 to 9 hours of sleep per night. Getting enough sleep helps you feel more energetic and less hungry the next day.
Get Tired: If you're having issues getting to sleep at night, take note of your "sleep hygiene". Are your pre-bed habits keeping you awake at night? Typical pre-sleep "no-no's" include watching TV, surfing the web and using your cell phone. These habits stimulate the mind, making it harder to unwind. Instead, try a relaxing activity like reading a fiction novel before bed.
Also take note of the light situation before you slip into bed. Avoid staring at screens or going into rooms with bright lights. Dimming your lights before hitting the hay releases melatonin in your brain, making you sleepy.
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To discover answers to question you may be asking yourself about Type 2 Diabetes, click on this link... Natural Diabetes Treatments
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6258438