According to several studies there appears to be a correlation between magnesium and Type 2 diabetes. More specifically, a magnesium deficiency is associated with insulin resistance, which occurs when the body becomes ineffective at using insulin as it is intended. If not reversed, insulin resistance can lead to Type 2 diabetes over time, especially if the person has other risk factors.
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Magnesium is a mineral which is needed for good health:
- it helps to stabilize heart rhythm,
- helps to reduce depression, and
- helps to form the thyroid hormone.
How important is magnesium? Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in our body, half of the body's supply is found in the cells of organs and tissue. The other half can be found in the bones. This one mineral is responsible for more than 300 biochemical processes within the human body. What is one of it's most important jobs? You guessed it: helping to regulate blood sugar levels.
How much magnesium do you need? Our daily magnesium needs are 400 mg for men and 310 mg for women. The need for magnesium increases even more during pregnancy. If you are trying to get your magnesium the natural way, it would be almost impossible to get too much magnesium strictly from food sources. According to statistics, approximately 98 percent of us don't get the recommended daily allowance of magnesium.
Foods rich in magnesium include: bananas, halibut, avocados, raisins, numerous kinds of nuts, leafy green vegetables, soybeans, potatoes, and whole grain cereals. Unrefined grains are high in magnesium until they are "processed" or "refined". Afterwards, the magnesium is almost completely removed.
Another unexpected source of magnesium? Water. Hard water, to be exact. It seems hard water contains more of the vital mineral than soft water.
What about supplements? Are magnesium supplements an even better way to reduce the risk of diabetes? Maybe. The problem is that magnesium supplements may not be beneficial and could even be harmful. The dosage may be too high, which could cause side-effects, especially in people who suffer from kidney disease.
When a magnesium deficiency occurs, it can increase the body's likelihood of contracting a string of medical conditions from immune dysfunction to cardiovascular disease. The kidneys and the digestive system are directly impacted by a deficiency of magnesium. When these areas are not well, magnesium becomes harder to absorb. Crohn's disease is one way this can occur. Magnesium deficiency can evolve into diarrhea to excessive vomiting, among other symptoms.
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Kidneys are affected when blood sugar levels are poorly managed. The kidneys begin to expel high volumes of magnesium in the urine and the rest of the body begins to feel the effects.
To discover answers to questions you may be asking yourself about Type 2 Diabetes, click on this link... Natural Diabetes Treatments
Clicking on this link will help you to learn more about Type 2 Diabetes Solutions ... Beverleigh Piepers RN... the Diabetes Detective.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6884183