For the nearly 6.5 million Americans suffering elevated levels of blood creatinine, which can lead to kidney malfunction or failure, the outlook is bleak: either a life sentence of frequent dialysis or a kidney transplant, if you're lucky. But now a new kidney diet is causing a stir amongst the normally conservative world of renal medicine, although the news might not have reached your doctor yet.
For the past ten years or so, articles have been appearing in leading medical journals reporting good results in the slowing of kidney disease by treatment with a kidney failure diet. These articles have been penned by authoritative authors, backed with convincing documentation and therefore well received by leading nephrologists.
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Unfortunately, the medical profession does tend to move with the speed of continental drift. So this exciting development has yet to be widely publicized, despite now being recommended by top renal doctors as an effective, drug-free, safe way of actually reversing kidney disease and so avoid dialysis or kidney transplant.
A major cause of kidney disease:
That a specially designed kidney disease diet can play a large part in controlling and even reversing the condition, has been further reinforced by a recent review of nearly 160,000 patients suffering from kidney disease. Over 60% had indications of malnutrition and about half showed some form of dietary related problems, such as type two diabetes, anemia or the early stages of kidney stone formation. High blood pressure (hypertension) can also damage the kidneys.
And this problem isn't just confined to the USA, because other developed countries, with diets heavily loaded with protein, such as Canada, UK and Australia fare just as badly.
A kidney unfriendly diet isn't the only reason you can acquire kidney disease, although it is increasingly the main one. Another 'lifestyle' cause is the increasingly sedentary way most folks live their lives: sitting in their car to go to work, where they sit all day only to go home and sit on the couch for another five hours watching TV.
Another cause is excessive use of painkillers, particularly the Non Steriodal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) such as Ibuprofen.
All three of these risk factors are in the control of the patient. And even high blood pressure can be controlled by a better diet and deep breathing.
So the only one outside anyone's control are hereditary factors, which represent a small percentage of the whole. And even kidney disease due to this still responds well to a sensible kidney diet.
Kidney diet basics:
The fundamental idea of a kidney diet is to stop eating certain ingredients and foodstuffs that exacerbate the problem and consume more of the foods that are beneficial to your condition.
And two of the major culprits you must eliminate from your diet are sodium and phosphorus.
Unfortunately, both of these are in most processed foods. Nowadays, the dangers of excess sodium and salt are well known, so sodium content is now prominently listed on food labels.
But not so with phosphorus, which is far harder to spot.
The problem is most folks judge food solely by how it tastes. So, in order to maximize profits, food manufacturers use the cheapest possible ingredients and then make them tasty with a whole armory of chemicals. And one of these is phosphorus, which can come in a number of guises.
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So when you are next grocery shopping, look out for the following ingredients listed on the label: any combination of words including 'polyphosphates'. Also look out for phosphoric acid (very common) as well as disodium phosphate, and calcium phosphate.
And here are the rest of the Kidney_Diet_Secrets [http://www.kidneydietv.com]
Start your Kidney_Diet [http://www.kidneydietv.com] today.
Paul Hooper-Kelly is known as The Food Physician and "The man the medical profession and 'Big Pharma' love to hate", because he has helped many people quickly get rid of embarrassing and painful conditions, using natural remedies and the power certain foods have to alleviate, and even heal, many ailments. This avoids the use of harsh, expensive pharmaceuticals, which may have unpleasant side effects.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5965682