For all the diabetics that love fruit you will be pleased to know that there is now a low glycemic index fruit plan. In spite of fruit containing large amounts of natural sugar there are several low glycemic index fruits. Fresh fruit and vegetables are important as these types of foods supply the body with essential vitamins and minerals. Fruit also supplies the body with fiber as well as essential vitamins such as A and B.
However, there is not a huge selection of low glycemic fruits, one still needs to add fruit to their diet and just stick to the required portions stipulated in the glycemic index. All fruit that rates lower than 40 are safe for diabetics to eat such as grapefruit that has an index of 25 and cherries 22. One can also eat apples, plums and pears that have low index levels. A great snack food is apricots which have an index level of 31 and in addition fruits that score under 40 are grapes, oranges and peaches and kiwis and bananas rate below 55.
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You will need to check out the glycemic index chart in order to view all fruits that should be safely added to a diabetic diet. The carbohydrate fruit index load is calculated from the glycemic index number and also stipulates the portion size. The index load will stipulate how to prepare your food, making sure you get the most out of diet. Foods that are considered very low on the index, the load has to be ten or less.
A low glycemic index fruit that has a moderate or high index glycemic load is considered to have a high content of natural sugar. In spite of the high natural sugar content, these fruits are not likely to cause a spike in blood glucose levels as opposed to other food groups that contain processed carbohydrates. When you maintain a balanced diet fruits are essential and good for you.
Low glycemic index fruit that falls below the index number ten, allow four ounce servings are fruits such as blackberries, apricots, grapefruit, cantaloupe, melon, lemon, kiwi, honeydew, oranges, raspberries, mandarin, watermelon and nectarines. There is a wide choice of fruits if you are following the low index and load. Most of the mid range fruits on the index are mainly canned fruit which contain a high content of sugar.
The mid range fruit index for instance contain a higher index level that 40 are fruit cocktail which is 55. However these fruits would not have a high index if it was not for the syrup. All fruits that are bought in a can, one needs to add 7 points to the index.
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However, you can choose canned fruit packed with natural juices; these are far healthier and can be used as an alternative to fresh fruit. For instance low glycemic index fruit such as grapes have a low index, but when dried the index shoots up to 64, this includes pineapple and mangoes.
Michelle Reynolds loves to write about weight loss utilizing Glycemic food index. For more information on Low Glycemic Index foods, visit [http://www.glycemicindexandweightloss.com/]
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5439713