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Posts tagged as “blood sugar”

High Blood Sugar Symptoms to Watch For

Hyperglycemia, also known as high blood sugar, can occur over a period of a couple hours, days, months or even years. If you have hyperglycemia, you could be in danger of pre-diabetes and diabetes. High blood sugar…

Help Anxiety by Balancing Blood Sugar Levels

One of the often overlooked causes of anxiety, panic attacks, and mood problems is imbalanced blood sugar. Some people may see it as diabetes (hyperglycemia - high blood sugar), hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), and/or insulin resistance. As…

Coping Up With Diabetes By Means of Blood Sugar Chart

Diabetes is understood to be as an abnormality specifically that of the blood sugar content that is present in the body. It comes in two forms, which is separated as Type 1 Juvenile Diabetes and Type 2…

The Care To Be Taken In Case Of High Blood Sugar Symptoms

Analyzing the presence of high blood sugar symptoms and taking appropriate care is essential to maintain good health. The basic to having controlled levels of sugar and glucose in the blood is to have a controlled diet.…