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Types Of Diabetic Neuropathy

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Neuropathy, or damage to the nerves, is a common side effect of Type 2 diabetes. There are four kinds of neuropathy with each one affecting different areas of the body and causing different types of discomfort and complications. In this, the last installment of the three-part series, we cover the final type, proximal neuropathy.

Proximal: This type of neuropathy is also known as:

  • lumbosacral radioplexus neuropathy,
  • femoral neuropathy, and
  • diabetic amotrophy.

The second most common form of neuropathy, it affects only the area of the body from the buttocks down through the hips and thighs and into the legs. Usually, only one side of your body is affected although the pain and weakness can eventually spread to both sides of your body. Discomfort can come on suddenly but will most likely start out as being mild and gradually progress in intensity over time.

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What causes proximal neuropathy? Although the precise cause is not really known, it is known the condition is exacerbated by elevated blood sugar levels over an extended period of time. The longer blood sugar levels are allowed to remain high, nerves become damaged and begin to lose their ability to communicate with your brain. This signal interference, combined with a decrease of blood flow, causes the vessels to become weak and eventually break down.

Your doctor will use the results from a electromyograph along with a general examination comprising of motor and sensory nerve conduction testing, in order to verify the diagnosis and to help determine the extent of the damage your body has been subjected to.

If the condition is discovered early on, the damage can easily be reversed. But if it is allowed to continue on for some time then the damage caused can be irreparable. The sad part is this: proximal diabetic neuropathy is completely avoidable if the diabetic properly manages their blood sugar.

For those who develop the condition, there are treatment options available. Besides taking control of their blood sugar level, the diabetic can also adopt a better eating plan and add more physical activity to their day. Avoiding smoking and drinking alcohol have also been found to be beneficial in reversing the effects of the condition.

In severe cases the individual may have to undergo physical therapy in order to restore proper movement and circulation within their legs. It may also become necessary for the individual to be placed on a number of medications, including certain types of antidepressants, in order to assist with the healing.


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Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. It need not slowly and inevitably get worse. You can take control of the disease, take back your life and avoid nerve damage.

For nearly 25 years Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body.

The answer isn't in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself.

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