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Pyelonephritis and Kidney Pain

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Pyelonephritis is a term used to describe a particular kind of urinary tract infection (UTI). This condition can lead to kidney pain. Do you think you might have this illness? Is it possible that someone you know has it? Please do not take the information you read in this article as professional advice. I can't diagnose, treat, or prevent a case of pyelonephritis. Talk with a doctor or other qualified medical personnel if you're looking for professional-level advice.

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What type of UTI is involved in pyelonephritis? In particular, it tends to start lower in the urinary tract, and is likely initially a case of cystitis or prostatitis. The infection then ascends until it reaches the pyelum -- or the renal pelvis. If this infection is severe, it can also be known as urosepsis.

What are some of the symptoms that can occur in this illness? In a sense, the range of symptoms somewhat depends on the severity of the infection. Some particularly harsh cases of pyelonephritis can lead to sepsis, in which the person might experience symptoms like decreased blood pressure, quickened breathing, and a faster heart rate. In cases of lesser severity, it is normal to have signs such as abdominal and kidney pain, as well as pain while urinating.

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E. coli and E. faecalis are often behind instances of pyelonephritis. Some individuals might be more susceptible to such infections. People with suppressed immune systems fall into this category. Individuals who are diabetics are also considered to be at a greater risk of developing this illness.

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