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Posts tagged as “Smoothie”

Why green smoothies are good for you?

The first question that will pop into many people’s minds when thinking of starting a juicing or smoothie diet will be, “Why are green smoothies better than other smoothies?”… After all, aren’t all vegetables and fruits beneficial?…

How To Make The Best Detox Smoothie Recipe

Have you been thinking about starting a natural body detox? If you feel fatigued day and night, sluggish or worn out and tired all the time, you might want to consider getting a natural body cleanser. A…

Protein Fit Smoothie

Ingredients: 3 ounces nonfat Greek yoghurt½ teaspoon vanilla extract ¼ cup frozen raspberries¼ cup frozen blackberries2 tablespoons almond butter¼ cup frozen pineapple½ cup fresh kale½ cup water Directions: First remove kale leaves from their center stalk. Put…

Banana Apple Protein Smoothie

Ingredients: 6 raw almonds, chopped1 apple, chopped and pitted1 fresh banana½ cup Greek yoghurt (nonfat)¼ cup cold milk (nonfat)¼ cup cold water1 teaspoon honey Directions: If your blender is not powerful enough, make sure to chop almonds…

Morning Protein Bomb Smoothie

Ingredients: 1 kiwi, peeled and sliced1 pear, pitted½ avocado, pitted1 cup frozen blueberries1 tablespoon rolled oats½ teaspoon flax seeds3 ounces Greek yoghurt (nonfat)2 cups cold water Directions: Mix everything in a blender for at least one minute…


Serves: 1 Prep Time: 5 Minutes Cook Time: 5 Minutes Total Time: 10 Minutes INGREDIENTS 1 cup cashew mik1 tablespoon keto MCT oil1 tablespoon keto nut butter1 tsp maca powder1 handful ice DIRECTIONS In a blender place…


Serves: 1 Prep Time: 5 Minutes Cook Time: 5 Minutes Total Time: 10 Minutes INGREDIENTS ¾ cup coconut milk2 tablespoon pumpkin puree1 tablespoon MCT oil1 tsp chai tea1 tsp alcohol free vanilla½ tsp pumpkin pie spice½ frozen…

Green Ginger Smoothie

Green Ginger Smoothie If you are not a fan of vegetables or if you know you do not consume enough veggies during the day, the best way to solve this problem is to get familiar with green…