The Factors Leading to Diabetes
While diabetes is a blood sugar disorder, there are many factors that can lead to a diagnosis of diabetes. Some of them are:
The Psychological Aspect: Many diabetics experience depression and a feeling of hopelessness. A diagnosis of diabetes is akin to a sentence of death and can lead to depression. Grief and sorrow over the loss of a loved one has an effect on blood sugar. Constant grief can lead to diabetes. The mind is a powerful mechanism and far from being separate from the body, it helps maintain health and can help to prevent disease or stem the onset of man diseases.
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It's been shown that happy people get sick less. When you are happy, your brain secretes endorphins, the happy hormones. Being happy has been shown to improve the functioning of the body and regulate blood glucose level. How you view your world can determine the state of your future health. You can take all the vitamins, minerals and herbs to help your condition, but if you are bitter, angry and resentful, little of it will help.
Our Toxic Environment: We live among toxins of every kind. Whether it's in the air we breathe, in our fluoridated water supply, or the pesticides in our food, our bodies build up toxins which are hard to remove. Prescription drugs are made up of chemicals and add to the toxic burden. Alcohol and tobacco add fuel to the fire. This makes us weaker and less able to cope with disease.
Malnutrition: Our bodies need certain nutrients in order to function properly. Since most of us are not getting enough essential nutrients in our diets, we are leaving ourselves vulnerable to diseases which otherwise could be overcome.
Lack of Exercise: Exercise aerates the body and supplies the organs, tissue and blood with needed oxygen. Our cells become more resilient and are better able to accept glucose with the help of oxygen.
We are meant to be active. Most of us breathe shallow and take few deep breaths. A decent exercise program should be 30 minutes of any activity. Aerobics, walking, swimming, gardening can get the heart pumping. It's one of the best ways to stay healthy. As you get older, you tend to exercise less.
Age onset diabetes strikes many over the age of 40.
Diet: The food we eat is killing us. We consume what is fast and convenient, food that lacks the essential nutrients and fiber we need to motor through an active day. Processed food lacks fiber and leads to blood sugar spikes after meals, creates insulin resistance and makes us fat. Our highly refined food contains more fat, sugar, salt and additives and doesn't fill us up, so we eat more.
Supplements: It's forgotten in medical circles. Until the world can find a way to grow fresh produce and get it to your dinner table, supplements are a necessity. The lack of nutrition in our food supply demands supplementation. We cannot function properly without adequate amounts of vitamins and essential minerals to help fight disease and stay healthy.
Immune Function: There's no question that our current lifestyle is compromising our health. In order to have a functioning immune systems to tackle the variety of viruses and bacteria out there, we need top performance. Today you don't need to be HIV positive to compromise your immune system. Most of us have already compromised our immune systems making it easy for viruses to take hold. Smoking, excessive use of drugs and antibiotics makes it easy to get sick. May viruses mutate and adapt to our medical onslaught so new super strains take hold. The next virus to come along to kill us won't be some new unheard of disease, but one we could easily have overcome had we let our immune system do what it does best, instead of interfering with its functioning. There are some 20 trillion immune cells in your body that are helping to kill bacteria, viruses, yeast and cancer cells. We have the arsenal to help maintain health, we don't have the patience to let the inner workings of the body do its job.
Organ deficiency: There's little you can do with an existing heart defect that's due to hereditary factors. As we age, our organs become less efficient. Free radicals have a better chance to do damage.
One way to help is through the use of vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements. As you get older, you'll need supplements to help you fight the damage. Diabetics age faster than others simply because adequate amounts of basic nutrients are absent.
Chronic Infection: Infection in healthy individuals last a short while and disappear. Chronic infection is a sign that your body does not have the ability to rid itself completely of the infection. By pumping medications, you only mask, but don't get rid of the infection. So it returns again and again, better able to cope with the treatments you give it. The number one reason why people see their doctor is over the common cold. Sniffles and sneezes is something no one likes, but it is a sign that our bodies are purging something from our system. Rather than let our bodies handle it the way it was designed, we take a plethora of antihistamines, aspirins and drugs that do little to eliminate the virus. A chronic condition weakens your body and can lead to a diagnosis of diabetes.
Aging: No one gets any younger. By age 65 the average American has consumed 50 tons of food. With so many years of consuming highly processed food laced with chemical preservatives, aging occurs faster, and with it come the diseases of aging. Osteoporosis, Arthritis, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and cancer become the hallmarks of age. But the fact is, none of that has to happen. In some parts of the world people live to a hundred years and maintain their energy and zest. Disease is not inevitable as the the media would have you believe. The risk of developing diabetes doubles over the age of 40. We could live much healthier lives will into old age if we chose to take the necessary steps.
Oxygenation: Your body needs oxygen. A life in the big city breathing car exhaust and industrial pollutants only helps to starve our bodies and render it incapable of fighting disease. Our breathing is shallow. We breathe from the lungs. Proper breathing comes from the abdomen. You'll know if you are if your chest, rather than your abdomen, rises after you take a breath. Our red blood cells need oxygen and are heavily dependent on iron, copper, B-6, folate, B-12, proteins and zinc which cannot easily be assimilated without oxygen. Smoking robs you of the oxygen your body requires.
Fact is that without oxygen, no one can survive more than a few minutes. Obviously, lack of the proper amounts of oxygen is going to shorten your life. Cofactors like CoQ-10 and B vitamins improve the aerobic energy in cell mitochondria and oxygen plays a great part in getting it there. The good fatty acids in our diet help maintain the fluidity of cell membranes which are better able to absorb oxygen and glucose.
Injury: Injuries take a long time to heal if your health is compromised. A long standing injury can lead to chronic infections and disease. New cell growth is blunted when there is not enough nutrients to help in the repair of the injury. If it takes too long for an injury to heal you are susceptible for diabetes after the injury takes too long to heal.