What is Diabetes?
Diabetes is a disorder of carbohydrate metabolism and refers to Diabetes (siphoning through) Mellitus (sweet). People with this disorder have high level of blood sugar known as hyperglycemia and lose sugar in their urine. Factors contributing to high blood sugar include reduced insulin production, decreased insulin usage, and increased glucose production by the liver. Diabetes is caused by a complex interaction of genetics, environmental factors and lifestyle choices.
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There are two primary types of diabetes:
- Type I, insulin dependent diabetes. People with this disorder do not produce enough insulin. Type I diabetes is caused by autoimmune, genetic and environmental factors and even possibly by viruses. It develops in children and young adults. Symptoms include constant hunger, increased thirst and frequent urination, weight loss, extreme fatigue and blurred vision. If not treated with insulin, a person with type I diabetes can lapse into a life-threatening diabetic coma, also known as diabetic ketoacidosis.
- Type II, sometimes called non-insulin dependent or insulin resistant diabetes. In type II diabetes, the body produces enough insulin but is not effective in transferring glucose from the blood to the cells. About 90% to 95% of people with diabetes have type II diabetes. This form of diabetes may include symptoms similar to those of type I as well as frequent infections, and slow healing of wounds or sores. Some people have no symptoms. Type II diabetes is more common among the overweight, the elderly, Asians, Hispanics, African Americans and Pacific Islanders.
Gestational diabetes is yet another type of diabetes that occurs during pregnancy and these women are likely to develop diabetes later in life.
How to Manage Diabetes?
Type I diabetes always requires insulin injections in addition to diet and exercise.
Type II diabetes can be controlled with diet and exercise alone but may require medications in some cases. In addition, taking multivitamins, minerals, herbal supplements and natural drugs shown in the table below can significantly reduce complications. Keeping diabetes and other health conditions in mind, some websites may list all or some of these supplements in the categories such as Blood Sugar Metabolism, Vitamins, Diabetes, etc. It is important that the diabetes patients also continue to monitor their blood sugar level as recommended by their doctor.
Vitamins and Herbs and Their Effects on Diabetes
Bilberry extract: Helps prevent and reduce the severity of diabetic cataracts.
Bioflavonoids: Helps prevent vision loss. Helps prevent damage to vitamins C and E from diabetes.
Biotin: Biotin and Chromium work well together to help reduce blood sugar levels. With the help of chromium, biotin helps the pancreas work efficiently, helps insulin work better to lower blood sugar levels.
Chromium (Picolinate): Chromium and Biotin work well together to help reduce blood sugar levels. With the help of biotin, chromium helps insulin work better, helps the pancreas work efficiently, and lowers blood sugar levels.
Copper (Picolinate): Copper helps prevent diabetes-related damage to blood vessels and nerves, and lowers blood sugar levels by helping protect the cells in the pancreas that make insulin healthy.
Fenugreek seed extract: Helps liver and kidneys metabolize blood sugars more efficiently; helps lower blood sugars.
Folic Acid: In conjunction with B12, folic acid helps prevent strokes and loss of limbs due to diabetic complications.
Gymnema Sylvestre: Helps balance blood sugars and may help control weight.
Magnesium (Chelate): Helps insulin work more effectively and helps relieves neuropathic pain.
Manganese (Chelate): Helps prevent damage to nerves and blood vessels.
Selenium: Helps take blood sugar into the cells. Selenium also protects blood vessel and nerve from the damaged caused by elevated blood sugars. Selenium is also called, an "insulin mimic".
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine): With B12, and folic acid, B6 helps prevents heart attacks and nerve damage. Helps prevent diabetic blindness, helps keep vision clear and normal.
Vitamin B12: In conjunction with folic acid, Vitamin B12 helps prevent stroke and loss of limb due to diabetic complications. Also works with Vitamin B6.
Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid): In partnership with vitamin E, helps push sugar from the blood stream into the cells. Keeps blood vessels and kidneys healthy.
Vitamin E (Pyridoxine): Vitamin E together with B vitamin helps keep the pancreas healthy and helps prevent nerve damage. Helps blindness, and heart attacks.
Zinc (Pyridoxine): Helps blood sugar get into the cells and help insulin work effectively.
Copyright © 2005 DHAN Medical Inc. All rights reserved.
The information listed here has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. It is meant for educational purposes and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. Please consult your healthcare provider for guidance and medical advice.
Darshana Vaishnav, M. D. is a board certified medical doctor with a medical degree from Penn State University. With over 20 years of medical practice in California behind her, she set up her website with specific categories such as Blood Sugar Metabolism containing dietary supplements for diabetes. Her site offers natural vitamins, herbal and dietary supplements with reliable purity and consistency available only from physicians, naturopaths, pharmacies or healthcare providers.
Darshana Vaishnav, M. D.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/124126