Indeed, many sufferers of diabetes have an interest in learning all about vitamins and herbs for diabetics in order to help or ward off the risk of complications that can arise if insulin levels are not maintained at a constant level. However, before we delve into vitamins and herbs for diabetics, we would be remiss if we didn't make a few dietary recommendations. As such, the following are a few suggestions:
Become good friends with fiber-rich plant foods. Eat a diet rich in fiber as it seems to be helpful in reducing blood sugar surges.
Trim the saturated fat and cholesterol. Put simply, eat less or eliminate animal products and eat more whole grains, beans, fruits and vegetables.
Say hello to antioxidant-rich foods. Antioxidants are disease-fighting substances that mop up the continuous onslaught of free radicals. Free radicals are unstable oxygen molecules that damage cells as they travel through the body and are responsible for laying the groundwork for the most serious complications of diabetes if left unchecked. Plant-derived foods are rich in antioxidant nutrients.
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Get nuts and seeds. Include in your diet nuts and seeds.
Slash the refined sugars. Your diet should be low in refined sugars.
Now, before we discuss vitamins and herbs for diabetics it's important that we make a few comments. Indeed, there are many nutrients that may help aid a person who suffers from diabetes, but one should never stop taking their insulin or any medication prescribed. However, it may be possible to take these vitamins and herbs for diabetics as well as other nutrients in conjunction with your prescription medications or insulin if you consult your physician first. Moreover, you need to make sure these herbs or nutrients are appropriate for your condition.
That said, let's delve into vitamins and herbs for diabetics. In fact, let's begin with the herbal kingdom.
Become familiar with Ayurvedic medicine. Bitter melon (Momordica charantia), gudmar (Gymnema sylvestre), and gulvel (Tinospora cordifo), are highly respected herbal remedies used to regulate blood sugar levels in Ayurvedic medicine. In addition, gudmar (Gymnema sylvestre) reduces the cravings for sweet foods. As such, it is known as the "sugar killer."
Look into this exciting new herbal called Banaba Leaf. Banaba is a medicinal plant grown in the Philippines and Asia where its leaves have long been used as a folk remedy for treating diabetes as well as kidney disease. New research has shown this medicinal plant can lower unwanted levels of glucose in the blood.
Meet the berry family. Cedar berries are excellent nourishment for the pancreas and huckleberry may help promote insulin production. Juniper berries have been found to lower blood glucose levels and bilberry helps prevent diabetic eye damage. In addition, bilberry has shown to reduce blood sugar levels.
Stop! Don't mow down that nasty back yard weed just yet. Dandelion root is a liver protector, which converts nutrients into glucose. Moreover, some studies have found that it may lower blood sugar levels and, as such, possibly benefiting those with diabetes.
Fill up on fenugreek seeds. Fenugreek seeds have been shown to reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels in studies. However, there is a one drawback to this herb. You have to take a lot (15 to 100 grams daily) of fenugreek seeds to obtain an effect, and it is also associated with mild gastrointestinal upset. On the other hand, it doesn't hurt to have this knowledge and it is indeed on the list of vitamins and herbs for diabetics.
Discover Gingko biloba. Ginkgo is a well-known powerful antioxidant that is prized for its ability to enhance circulation.
Other herbs that may possibly help lower or improve blood-sugar levels include: Garlic, Ginseng, Psyllium, and Nopal (prickly pear cactus).
Now, let's move forward on our topic of this article, vitamins and herbs for diabetics and discuss vitamins.
Befriend vitamins A, B, C, and E. First, vitamins A, C, and E are antioxidants. Vitamin A with carotenoids is needed to maintain eye health. The B vitamins help produce enzymes that convert glucose to energy. In addition, the Bs may be helpful as an aid in preventing diabetic nerve damage. A deficiency in vitamin C may lead to vascular problems for diabetes sufferers. Vitamin C with bioflavonoids may slow or prevent complications that occur in this condition. Vitamin E improves circulation and helps prevent complications as well.
Check out Inositol. Inositol is considered a B-complex vitamin that has shown to relieve numbness and tingling in the hands in feet. As such, it may be helpful in protecting against peripheral neuropathy.
But wait, there are other helpful nutrients for diabetes that goes beyond vitamins and herbs for diabetics. Let's discover who they are now.
Get real acquainted with Alpha-lipoic acid. Alpha-lipoic acid is a potent antioxidant that helps control blood sugar levels. It has been used as a supplement to treat diabetic neuropathy, the nerve pain or tingling or numbness in the hands and feet that is common among individuals with diabetes. In fact, alpha lipoic acid is approved in Germany as an effective prescription drug for diabetic neuropathy.
Lean on chromium, the sugar regulator. Chromium is a mineral that's essential for normal insulin function and, as such, chromium improves insulin efficiency, which helps lower blood sugar levels. Diabetes sufferers are often deficient in this mineral.
Keep your eye on zinc and magnesium. Diabetes sufferers are often deficient in these minerals.
Cindy Amorin is the chief editor of Nutritional-Supplement-Educational-Centre.com, [http://www.nutritional-supplement-educational-centre.com] an information-rich site that discusses nutritional, dietary, and herbal supplements and their potential therapeutic value.
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For those of you interested in learning how to buy quality supplements meet us on the web at our diabetes natural supplements [http://www.nutritional-supplement-educational-centre.com/diabetes-natural-supplements.html] web page.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/652138